Array Activities in HWJ12_Arrays
Create the following methods
Start with the code below:
* HWJ15_Arrays - basic practice of Arrays
* @author (your name)
* @version 1.17
public class HWJ12_Arrays
//I put the word static so that we can run this easily in bluej
static int[] nums={10,25,17,49,95,67,55,56,12,24};
static String[] names={"Paul","Domingos","Hibak","Galen"};
//Print out all the numbers in the array. Then all the names
public static void classroomPlay()
//Print out all the numbers in the array.
public static void printNums()
//Find the sum of all the numbers in the array and print that out.
public static void printSum()
//Find the biggest of all the numbers in the array and print that out.
public static void findBiggest()
//Add 7 to every number in the array. //YOU HAVE TO USE A FOR LOOP ( NOT FOR EACH)
public static void add7ToAll()
//Replace all values with random ints numbers between 1 and 100 and print it out //YOU HAVE TO USE A FOR LOOP ( NOT FOR EACH)
public static void replaceWithRandom()
//Have it print out every name with an insult, like Galen looks like a ostrich, Hibak looks like an ostrich, each on its own line.
public static void printInsult()
//Have it print out the length of each name
public static void printNameLengths()
//[advanced]Have it print only the evens
public static void printEvens()
//[advanced]Add an exclamation point to everyones name
public static void addExclamation()
//[advanced]Have it print the 2nd biggest
public static void findSecondBiggest()
//[advanced]Have it flip the order of the numbers (so the first number is now the last
public static void flipOrder()
//[advanced]Have it say which word comes first alphabetically (use compareTo)
public static String findFirstName()
return null;
//advanced Sort the array
public static void sortNums()
//advanced - sort the names
public static void sortNames()
public static int findRandom (int start, int end)
int multiplier = end-start+1;
int random = (int) (Math.random()*multiplier)+start;
return random;